Test - Shakespeare in the World Arts

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Task 1.  Look again through the material of the lecture "Shakespeare in the World Arts". Concentrate on the main points of its information and get ready to do the test on the topic in question.

     Task 2. Choose the right answer to the questions of the test (34): only one of the four is right.       


Examine your competences on  the topic “Shakespeare in the World Arts”

1. Which place as a tourists’ attraction alongside with others does Stratford-on-Avon occupy?  

 A) first      B) second       C) third      D) fourth

2. What kind of occupation in London did not Shakespeare do in London?

A) of a prompter    B) of a groom   C) of an actor     D) of a juggler

3. His 154 poetic pieces are written in a form of sonnets having…..lines.

A) 15       B) 16       C)  12      D) 14

4. How many periods in Shakespeare literary activity do critics distinguish?

A)  4     B) 3       C) 5       D) 2

5. In the last period of literary activity he wrote mainly…

A) tragedies  B) comedies  C) tragic comedies   D) musical comedies

6. His chronicles were written in the order of the reign of English kings

A) yes      B)  no       C) exactly       D)  accordingly

7. Which person out of the following ones was not ascribed the authorship of Shakespearean works?

A) Francis Bacon   B) Philip Sydney   C) Ben Jonson    D) Lord Rutland

8. On the tombstone of the poet there is ….

A) his portrait   B) his bas-relief  C) his full-length monument   D) his bust

9. A phraseological unit from Hamlet “the time is out of chain” means

A) распалась связь времён              B) цепь порвана

C) потеряна цепочка                        D) где время в той цепи 

10. The dramatic characters from Shakespearian works speak in….

A) rhymed lines                                  B) iambic pentameter 

C) irregular metrical system               D) prosaic lines

11. Which of these events does not take place in Stratford-on-Avon during birthday celebrations of the poet?

A) fireworks   B) parades  C) sonnets recitals     D) circus shows 

12. The most popular Shakespearian plot with the opera composers is that of

A) “Romeo and Juliet”  B) “Hamlet” C) “The Tempest”  D) “Othello”

13. Three best operas based on Shakespearian plots belong to

 A) S. Prokofiev    B) P. Tchaikovsky   C) D. Shostakovich  D) G. Verdi

14. “All World’s a Stage” is a monologue of one of the characters from the play

A)“Much Ado about Nothing” B) “12-th Night” C) “As you like it” D)”Falstaff”

15. A plot of the play “The Taming of the Shrew” is connected with

A) subjecting a wife to a husband      B) conquering unknown lands     

C) taming wild animals                       D) breaking in a horse

16. The denouement of the tragedy “Othello” is connected with the murder trough

A) stabbing      B) suffocating       C) shooting       D) scaffolding

17. The elves are taking active part in the action of the comedy

A) “The Midsummer Night’s Dream”       B)  “12th Night”      

C) “Much Ado about Nothing”                D)  “The Taming of the Shrew”

18. Sir Malvolio (“12th Night”) hoped to conquer his mistress by putting on

A) a hat with feather  B) yellow stockings C) a silk vest  D) high-heeled shoes   

19.What role in his own plays did Shakespeare perform?

A) Macbeth      B) Ring Lear       C) Hamlet       D) a ghost of Hamlet's father

20. The first actor performing major male characters in Shakespeare plays was

A) David Garrick  B) Richard Burbage  C) Edmund Kean  D) Henry Irving

21. Which of the English film directors got 7 Oscars for his film about Shakespeare?

A) R. Attenborough  B) J. Madden  C) A. Hitchcock  D) L. Olivier

22. Call the English film star who has brilliantly played the roles of Hamlet (2015) and Richard III (2016) lately: he is………..

A) J. Irons       B) H. Grant       C) P. O’Toole       D)  B. Cumberbatch

23. Laurence Fishburne was the first ………film actor who played the role of Othello in 1995.

A)  Scandinavian     B) English        C) Afro-American       D)  Australian

24. The English theatre and film actor of the XX century who masterly played all greatest parts in Shakespearian plays was….

A) J. Irons      B) S. Connery       C) L. Olivier       D) A. Hopkins

25. Which American actor performed the main part in the latest British film “The Merchant of Venice” (2005) quite perfectly?

A) M. Gibson       B) M. Brando     C) R. De Niro    D) Al Pacino

Below you see some of the Russian films based on the plots composed by Shakespeare.               Connect the title of the film and the name of its producer.

26. “Hamlet”  (1964)                                                          A) V. Rubinchik

27. “Othello” (1955)                                                           B) S. Samsonov

28. “12th Night”  (1955)                                                     C)  L. Arnshtam

29.  “The Taming of the Shrew” (1961).                             D) S.Kolosov             

30.  “Much Ado about Nothing” (1973)                              E) I. Frid

31.  “The Comedy of Errors”  (1977)                                  F)  G. Kozintsev

32)   “Romeo and Juliet”  (film-ballet, 1954)                       G) V. Gauzner

 33) “The comic lover” (1983)                                            H) B. Blank 

34) “The merchant of Venice” (Shyloch,1993)                   I) S. Yutkevich


 Task 3. Check up your answers using the keys to the test

          KEYS (ключи временно недоступны)


Task 4.   Find the pictures based on Shakespearian plots and describe them.  

Task 5.  Discuss film versions based on the plots by Shakespeare (choose two on the same  plot to compare them):

    a/ Hamlet                                          b/ Othello

    c/ King Lear                                     d/ Macbeth

    e/ Romeo and Juliet                         f/ Twelfth night

    g/ Much Ado about Nothing             h/ A Midsummer Night's Dream

    i/ The Taming of the Shrew              j/ Richard III

    k/ The Merchant of Venice               i/ As You Like It

Task 6. Сontinue this list of citations to make up a quiz with phraseological units and quotations from Shakespearean works for your fellow students and offer to guess where they are taken from.

To be or not to be that is the question… («Hamlet»)

The time is out of joint…(«Hamlet»)

Brevity is the soul of wit… («Hamlet»)

Frailty, thy name is woman! … («Hamlet»)

Though this be madness, yet there is method in it… («Hamlet»)

I will wear my heart upon my sleeve… («Othello»)

The world is my oyster(«The Merry Wives of Windsor»)– мир полон возможностей

In a pickle («The Tempest») –в затруднении, в беде